By Herb Duncan
2012 has started. Millions of people have made health and fitness a new year’s resolution and the fad quick fix companies are abundant ready to pounce on you with magic potions and 5 minute workout devises that carve away fat while you text on your cell phone. I just read an article where a new medication says a person does not need to workout in order to get the same results from exercise…really no joke. I wish it was that easy. Sure to get millions out of one’s pockets. It sure would have saved me countless hours at the gym and on a practice field. The truth is that it is not that hard but it’s not easy either. But that what makes it all worth it. Nothing that requires little effort is ever real or generates great returns for minimal efforts. So with that being said are you one of those that put health at the top for 2012? If yes, now it’s time to find a good program. Question will be which one?
Many of you will try a new fitness program this year with the intention of changing for all the right reasons but fail for the wrong reasons: they lack the correct information, and they are unable to stick with it. These are two of the biggest reasons that most fail at achieving a healthier, stronger, leaner body that you desire and deserve. Let’s just break down each one of these reasons why most of us fail.
They gave me the wrong directions: Let’s just say I called and asked you to meet me here at my gym in Gilbert, AZ. You jump in your car and set your GPS to good ole Gilbert. When you get to Gilbert you look at your GPS locate the street and start driving. Except you notice the street names you are passing don’t match your GPS map at all. You can’t find the gym. Upon looking more closely you realize that you put in the wrong zip code and it a map of Chandler and not Gilbert.
Let’s just say that you never realized the mistake and you drive in circles, lost, but you are too proud to call me for directions, so you just “wing it”. After driving around for an hour you get frustrated and give up. In the mean time while waiting for you I have a great workout and wonder where you are.
You can apply this little story to most of the get in shape programs that are available to the general public today. If you start out with the wrong information, you are doomed to fail from the start. There are so many exercise and diet books and magic pills on the market and each saying theirs is best. There are dozens of infomercials touting exercise gadgets and special pills, and each is a promising miracle. A trusting, uninitiated person looking for a solution can become confused with conflicting and most times harmful information. And when it’s all said and done after trying one of these misguided programs when we fail we blame ourselves.
I can’t stay motivated: Let’s just say you have the right map from the start but you can’t get to your destination if you don’t take action and sustain it until you get there. Some people do have the right directions, so to speak, but cannot get themselves motivated. They are like a car that runs out of fuel, these people run out of willpower to continue their program.
I got good news and bad news. The good news is the right road map is out there. I know its right because I have trained literally hundreds of people including myself using it. As a professional athlete I never had to deal with the fads or infomercials as we did everything base on sound science principals. The bad news is I can’t motivate you. You have to motivate you. There is no such thing as a motivation pill. In fact, that’s the hidden lie behind many fitness gimmick and nutrition fad programs: they claim that their program is so short and so easy, trust me I wish it were. Sadly, that quick-fix mentally leads you right back to where you started. And you will be $120.00 or poorer for your experience and efforts.
You can win the battle for the health and body you desire. First you have to make the right choices----to eat right and exercise-----I promise you it gets easier over time guaranteed. Don’t look for any short cuts because there are none. Find a good program and stick with it, the first 3 weeks are the hardest; I promise its gets easier. Learn how your body truly functions and get on its programs for the rest of your life not for a couple of temporary months. It takes a little time but if you treat your body like you treat your favorite car or that nice new plasma TV or fancy IPhone that gave you the wrong address you just bought, it will almost never fail you.
Until next time, Train smart, Eat right, Stay positive.